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Daily sex for healthier sperm?

Monday, July 6th, 2009

A new study by an Australian fertility expert, Dr. David Greening of Sydney IVF, has caused a bit of a stir. Greening studied 118 men whose sperm had greater than average DNA damage and found that, when they ejaculated daily, the resulting sperm was healthier.

All well and good so far but Greening’s prescription for greater fertility success made me cringe in empathy for my patients who are trying to get pregnant.

Greening recommends that couples engage in sex every day to improve their chances of conceiving.

Maybe it takes a woman to understand that this isn’t the greatest advice in the world. Too many women come to my office, sore and miserable, because their husbands want to do it every day. They don’t want to say no when they’re on a mission to conceive. And now, this (male, you’ll notice) doctor is saying this is the best way to go?

All right ladies, sit down (if you’re not too sore), because you don’t have to take Greening’s advice. Greening’s findings were that daily ejaculation improves sperm quality, not daily sex.

If you and the man you love want to improve your chances of conception, having intercourse three times a week is plenty.

Don’t look at clocks; don’t look at calendars and yell, “Honey, get in here quick, I’m ovulating.” That causes so much performance dysfunction for men. And it’s completely unnecessary.

All it takes is one sperm. Men ejaculate about 60 million of those little guys at a time. And the sperm hang around, ready to jump on that egg when it appears, for up to seven days. So, even though, when we ovulate, the egg is only fertilizable for up to 24 hours, it doesn’t mean that conception is now or never. With up to 60 million sperm hanging around waiting, one of them is likely to be in the right spot when the ovum shows up.

Most important for couples who want to conceive is to remember that sex, even when you’re on a baby-making mission, should never be a chore. Make sure neither of you skimps on romance, cuddling and cooing. In other words, keep the love in making love. It should be as much fun today as it was the first time (even if that first time was in the back seat of a vintage Chevy). Relax and enjoy the experience and each other. Soon enough, if neither of you has problems with fertility, baby will make three.

– Yvonne S. Thornton, MD, MPH